Empleo Trabaja con nosotros en Magaluf. Solicitud para el verano de 2024 Estamos contratando personal para el verano de 2024. Rellene el formulario y adjunte la última copia de su CV. Sólo nos pondremos en contacto con los candidatos seleccionados. Por favor, activa JavaScript en tu navegador para completar este formulario.Name *NombreApellidosAge *Email *Phone *What job are you applying for? *Bar staffWaiter/waitressGlass collectorDancerPRSecurityShot girlContent CreatorNationality *Please selectUnited KingdomEuropeRest of WorldIf you are from the UK, you will need to correct legal paperwork and visas to work in Spain. Do you have the correct NIE number or TIE card to allow you to work in Spain? *Please selectYesNoWhich country in Europe are you from? *Which country are you from? *Do you have the correct NIE number or TIE card to allow you to work in Spain? *Please selectYesNoWould you like us to help you obtain the correct paperwork with our lawyers for a small fee? *Please selectYesNoWhat languages do you speak? *Work Experience *Do you require accommodation? *Please selectYesNoWhich months are you available to work? *MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberAdd your CV * Haz clic o arrastra archivos a este área para subirlos. Puedes subir hasta 3 archivos. Submit